Welcome to the site of our award-winning “Inspiring Guest” program, built around close collaborations with inspiring and accomplished individuals from outside business academia.

Discover our free resources – engaging educational videos accompanied by instructor materials, behind-the-scenes footage, articles about our work, and more. We welcome feedback, suggestions and ideas for future collaboration at inspiring.guest@tbs-education.fr.

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Tax my didgeridoo – Value Added Tax (VAT)

Actor and screenwriter David J. Keogh in collaboration with TBS Education explains the Value Added Tax.

The first modern share

Actor and screenwriter David J. Keogh in collaboration with TBS Education explains the birth of the first modern share in Toulouse, France.

Fintech entrepreneurship: an interview with Kantox CEO Philippe Gelis

TBS graduate and Kantox CEO Philippe Gelis interviewed by TBS Education Inspiring Guest David J Keogh.

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Investing and market efficiency

This video seeks to address, in under four minutes and in a light-hearted manner, an important and profound idea in finance: the theoretical notion of market efficiency and its practical implications. We  believe that this question is of interest not only to business school students but also to a wide investing public, and have therefore strived to make it appealing and accessible to both target audiences.

Music by Sean Ramon Calvo

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The four types of companies

Comedians Sammy Obeid (host of “100 Humans” on Netflix) and Chai Sharma use humor to
explain the main types of organizational forms for U.S. companies. The subject of this video corresponds to Section 1.1 of “Corporate Finance” (4th edition) by Jonathan Berk and Peter DeMarzo.

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The balance sheet

Comedian Sammy Obeid (host of “100 Humans” on Netflix) uses humor to introduce the concept of the balance sheet.
The subject of this video corresponds to Section 2.2 of “Corporate Finance” (4th edition) by Jonathan Berk and Peter DeMarzo.

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The time value of money

Comedian Sammy Obeid (host of “100 Humans” on Netflix) and uses humor to explain the concept of the Time Value of Money.
The topic of this video corresponds to Section 4.2 of “Corporate Finance” (4th edition) by Jonathan Berk and Peter DeMarzo.

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Loan amortization

Comedian Sammy Obeid (host of “100 Humans” on Netflix) in collaboration with TBS Education explains how loans are “amortized”, in other words, repaid. Understanding how loan amortization works is important not only to students of finance, but also to anyone who has borrowed money or plans to do so, whether for buying a house or a car, financing an education, or any other purpose.

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Net Present Value

Comedians Sammy Obeid (host of “100 Humans” on Netflix) and Chai Sharma use humor to explain a central concept in finance – the Net Present Value, or NPV. The subject of this video corresponds to Section 3.3 of “Corporate Finance” (4th edition) by Jonathan Berk and Peter DeMarzo.

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Short selling

Comedian Sammy Obeid (host of “100 Humans” on Netflix) in collaboration with TBS Education discusses short selling. The emphasis is on the logic behind selling a stock short, as well as the mechanics of the short sale and its mathematical interpretation.

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Common measures of risk and return

Comedian Sammy Obeid (host of “100 Humans” on Netflix) uses humor to explain common measures of investment risk and return – the expected return, the variance, and the standard deviation. The subject of this video corresponds to Section 10.2 of “Corporate Finance” (4th edition) by Jonathan Berk and Peter DeMarzo.

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Credit where credit’s due – Letter of credits

Actor and screenwriter David J. Keogh in collaboration with TBS Education explains Letters of credit (L/C). This video uses humour to get the key messages across and gives the students some tips to help them remember the key points about L/C.

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Dollars where dollars are due – Foreign exchange risk

Actor and screenwriter David J. Keogh in collaboration with TBS Education explains Foreign exchange risk.


Comedian Sammy Obeid (host of “100 Humans” on Netflix) in collaboration with TBS Education explains International Commercial Terms. Incoterms®, published by International Chamber of Commerce, is a way for traders to decide who pays for what when transferring goods across borders in a way that is legally clear and agreed internationally, and governs trillions of dollars in trade every year.

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The iPhone 11 and the dark art of psychological pricin9

Comedian Sammy Obeid (host of “100 Humans” on Netflix) in collaboration with TBS Education discusses the psychology behind the pricing of the iPhone 11. The topics include the iPhone X, the iPhone XR, psychological pricing, marketing and consumer behavior.

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Zoom shake the room – Lessons in Creative Problem Solving, Leadership & Team-Working

The case consists of a humorous 20 minutes video of a corporate, cross-functional team that is urgently preparing in a Zoom meeting, with minutes to go before a live-streamed, important public relations announcement.

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Expectancy Theory of Motivation

This video seeks to explain, in under three minutes and in a light-hearted manner, an important concept in organizational behavior: Victor Vroom’s (1964) expectancy theory of motivation.

Alternative version:

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To learn about its creation, visit the dedicated resource page

What is Bayes’ Theorem

Comedian Sammy Obeid (host of “100 Humans” on Netflix) in collaboration with TBS Education explains how to use Bayes’ Theorem using an example that may keep you from sleeping at night… you’ve been warned.

Alternative version :

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Introduction to using the normal distribution

Comedian Sammy Obeid (host of “100 Humans” on Netflix) in collaboration with TBS Education introduces the viewer to how to use the normal distribution. The focus is on applying the 68 – 95 – 99.7 percent rule in order to obtain probabilities of events whose boundaries are 0, 1, 2 or 3 standard deviations away from the mean.

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Using normal distribution tables

Comedian Sammy Obeid (host of “100 Humans” on Netflix) in collaboration with TBS Education explains how to use normal distribution tables in order to calculate the probability of any normally distributed event. This video is the sequel to “Introduction to using the normal distribution”.

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Online course: How to make your lessons as engaging as TV series

An exclusive FREE online course on applying TV series writing techniques to make your teaching more engaging.


Winner Banner Ig Tbs Amba Awards
fma inspiring guest award 2021

First place winner, Innovation in Teaching Award

tbs education management education silver
Etiquette Labellisation Dispositif Pedagogique

Accredited by the Foundation for Management Education (FNEGE).